contoh kalimat approach path
- The precision approach path indicator system was first devised in 1974 by Tony Smith and David Johnson at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Bedford, England.
Sistem indikator ini pertama kali diciptakan pada tahun 1974 oleh Tony Smith dan David Johnson di Royal Aircraft Establishement di Bedford, Inggris. - At present the areas of Drumchapel, Clydebank, Bearsden, Foxbar, Faifley and Linwood all sit directly underneath the approach paths into the airport, meaning that further increases in traffic may be politically sensitive.
Sekarang, kota Clydebank, Bearsden dan Linwood berdiri dibawah penggusuran untuk pembangunan jalan raya menuju bandar udara, yang berarti peningkatan lalu lintas tidak dapat dilakukan secara politik. - On the approach path to the monastery, there is a Lakhang (village level monastery) and a temple of Urgyan Tsemo ("U-rgyan rTse-mo") which, like the main monastery, is located on a rocky plateau with a precipitous projection of several hundred feet over the valley.
Saat mendekati wihara, terdapat suatu Lakhang (wihara pedesaan) dan kuil Urgyan Tsemo ("U-rgyan rTse-mo") yang, seperti wihara utama, berlokasi di dataran berbatu proyeksi terjal dari beberapa ratus kaki di atas lembah. - Chairman of Preparation of Air Operation of PT Angkasa Pura II Ibut Astono said, the readiness of Kertajati Airport air side is good enough. With a runway length of 2,500 and a width of 60 meters, the standard aircraft landing gear instrument, the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) is feasible.
Ketua Persiapan Pengoperasian Bandarudara PT Angkasa Pura II Ibut Astono mengatakan, secara kesiapan sisi udara Bandara Kertajati ini sudah cukup baik. Dengan panjang runway 2.500 dan lebar 60 meter, instrumen perlengkapan standar pendaratan pesawat yakni Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) sudah layak.